About the author
I’m Cindy, a travel blogger based in Indonesia. I’ve always dreamt of traveling the world since I was in Junior high school — I cut out pictures of famous places around the world from magazines and write them down on my bucket list. And I’m very happy and grateful to say that I’m slowly ticking them off. I wouldn’t have thought that my dreams would eventually come true, I mean I wasn’t born into a materialistically rich family, and I had no idea how I could possibly afford traveling.
How it all started…
I went to Taiwan to get my bachelor’s degree in 2019. I didn’t travel as much as my uni friends in my first 2 years in Taiwan as I was low on funds. This was one of the most frustrating periods of my life, apart from my dad being diagnosed with cancer and passing away during my studies in Taiwan. But instead of giving in to depression, I tried to develop my writing skills and SEO knowledge. I volunteered as a content writer in an organization, built a project with one of my best friends, and finally, landed my first freelance job as a writer in 2021!
From there I got promoted to become a content assistant, then an intern, then a part-time worker in that company!
In my first year as a freelance writer, I also took an English teaching job in a Taiwanese elementary school. Sometimes, I help my professors with grading students’ exams and teaching them an extra course (aka Teaching Assistant). Around this time, I also applied for scholarships to aid my tuition fee, participated in a writing competition, and won a pretty good prize.
After some time, I’ve finally saved enough cash to travel a little bit around Taiwan. Plus I was extremely lucky to have met my Taiwanese best friend in my second year. She introduced me to delicious Taiwanese cuisine and showed me the hidden gems of Taiwan. Big shout out to her!!!
I’ve never stopped traveling since then. My love for travel grows more and more <3
Countries I've Traveled to:
- Indonesia
- Taiwan
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Netherlands
- Italy
- Vatican City
- France
- Germany
- Czech Republic
- Poland
- Türkiye
My Goal Here
My goal here is quite simple: I want to help and inspire people for their next travel! And I want to note down my past travels so that I won’t forget about them~
Contact Me
Feel free to ask me travel questions in the comment sections so it can help out other readers as well!